RAPEX, an excellent tool for online information for the safety of consumers.

RAPEX, un ottimo strumento d'informazione online per l'incolumità dei consumatori.

In 2010 the European Union has founded RAPEX, an online service that facilitates the rapid exchange of information through the EU member states and the European Commission. On this site you get the last news quickly and efficiently regarding for example, the preventions measures to restrict the marketing of prevention to limit the marketing or use of products that have a serious risks for the health and safety of the consumers; excluded hereby are food, pharmaceutical and medical devices, which are communicated in a separate way.


The information given by RAPEX concerning the products from the European market and from non-European countries are embracing different areas. Among the numerous information we read with interest those concerning the products subject to regulations harmonized community, that have a high risk for the health and safety of professional users, in addition to those that have a serious danger to other public interests, such as the environment and safety - already protected by EU legislation.


RAPEX has also published the measures taken by the national authorities and the measures adopted in an autonomous and voluntary way from the producers and distributors of products signalled as not conforming!


The RAPEX notifications are weekly published by the European Commission every Friday.

This weekly overview provides details on products, identified risks and the measures that have been adopted in notifying country.


You can find there also a list of other nations in which the product was found including the specifying of any measures taken in this respect.

Since 2013 the site publishes also the notifications for professional and for common products which present a minor risk, but anyway they are not comply with the current legislation.


For more information (http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/safety/rapex/alerts