An Important Success for BASF Rome Site Safety Day 



Last Thursday, June 27th, we had an extraordinary day during the BASF Safety Day at the BASF Rome site.

Safety is in your Hands” was the event's slogan, aimed at raising awareness about the importance of our hands and the need to protect them at the workplace, and the participation was enthusiastic and active by all those present.


Throughout the day, you engaged in both analogic and digital experiences, demonstrating how crucial is the use of our hands in every context.

Your curiosity, energy, questions, and interaction made this event truly special.


digital experience


A big thank you also goes to the organization team and everyone for the support received for the success of this day. Your dedication made it possible to have an event that not only raised awareness but also gathered all of us around a common cause.

Well done to everyone for making this Safety Day such an important day!