LEONARDO Aircraft and Project V.TRA


Project V.TRA (Video TRAining digital platform)  is running for LEONARDO Aircraft, the Pilot we have designed in partnership with LEONARDO Div Aircraft aiming to respond to the corporates projects' strenghtening policy regarding Digitisation and Knowledge Sharing:

  • Digitisation: Transforming line operators' individual technical expertise and/or paper files in Collaboration Tools readable by all modern devices
  • Knowledge Sharing: Sharing know-how among operators to overcome the distance between the corporation's "Core" and its various "Geographies"
  • Re-purposing know-how in case of turn over and/or workforce enlargement

Since the beginning, LEONARDO Div. Aircraft and Faentia Consulting have managed to create a broad teamwork, thus cohesive and proactive, able to effectively contribute to Pilot's success. Implementation of Ergonomics and Human Factor Engineering's knowledge, owned by Faentia Consulting's B.BU. dedicated to such discipline, has been the enabling factor to create the digital collaboration tool, easily usable and responding to LEONARDO Aircraft's respective departments' needs.

Two initial workshops have initiated considerations regarding the implementation of a unique product: a collaboration tool equipped with Video Instructions with both Video Training and Video Tutorial features, therefore suitable for both formators during classroom trainings and operators as "help on the job", through an intermediate stage such as practical training supported only by digital tool.

Applying Analysis techniques owned by Human Factor Engineering, the teamwork has thus found in V.TRA Video TRAining (digital collaboration tool implemented by Faentia Consulting and dedicated to any Training's need) the ideal platform to achieve specific Pilot's goals: reducing training hours and significantly reducing failures during in-line work.

Faentia's Digital B.U., in partnership with LEONARDO Aircraft's Executives and Operators' team assigned to the project, has filmed the footages in the field and edited them taking into account any requests gathered during the workshops. V.TRA has been subsequently customised and loaded with specific contents to meet Pilot's specific needs and goals.

Furthermore, since the very first stages, the teamwork has had a clear idea about this process would have automatically produced other advantages in line with both WCM (World Class Manufacturing) strategies and Lean Production logic, as already experienced by companies in various sectors.

Analytically speaking, advantages are recognised in the following points:

  • Minimisation of data loss risk
  • Operators' empowerment on the conducted procedures
  • Expertise matrix's enlargement
  • Transfer of know-how from the person to the company
  • Awareness on concepts such as time and method

And in the elimination of the following "wastages" (MUDA):

  • Waiting
  • Loss of process
  • Movements

After this Pilot's success, LEONARDO Aircraft has chosen to apply this technology also as an enabling factor for Innovation and Digitisation processes in its own plant's production lines.